Toronto Star outsourcing Ad Sales to Metro - Sandy Muir Letter

Publishing is changing right before our eyes.  The Toronto Star and Metroland have combined to create a group that will service all facets of the Toronto Star.  This is an incredible move that shows how media is becoming more of a commoditity to be managed by the largest companies in the country.  Here is the letter that Sandy Muir released to the media and advertisers.  
Last November, we informed you of our decision to outsource the Toronto Star’s advertising sales function to Metro English Canada in the first quarter of 2014.

At the time of the announcement, Star Publisher and Star Media Group President John Cruickshank stated that this change will better position the Star and Metro as leading providers in Canada of effective, compelling and distinctive marketing solutions.  It will provide marketers with access to the audiences of both brands through a single point of contact. 

We are very pleased to report that the transition of the Star’s advertising sales work to Metro is well under way.   Metro has advised us that they are prepared to assume responsibility for Toronto Star advertising sales effective Monday, March 3.   They are assembling an industry-leading group of talented sales staff and sales leaders, who will ably represent the Toronto Star as well as representing their own publications across Canada.

You should expect to receive a follow-up communication from Metro in the next couple of weeks that will identify your new sales team and their appropriate contact information.

We are confident that this change will further enhance the Star’s position as one of Canada’s leading media brands and marketing vehicles.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Sandy muir
Sandy Muir


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